Covid-19 Out of Hours News

Chapel Lane, Wickham Market, Woodbridge, IP13 0SB and

Rendlesham Surgery, 6 Acer Road, Rendlesham, IP12 2GA

Email Contact     Tel: 01728 747101

Contact Details


Healthwatch Suffolk are working with partners and people across local NHS and social care services to host a short survey about your experiences of services during the coronavirus pandemic.

It has never been more important to feedback. With so many changes happening across services, they need rapid feedback to understand more about how they are impacting on your care. This is also a brilliant way to say thank you to services if you have had a good experience. They will make sure they see your comments.

Your feedback will be taken seriously and used to shape and inform the response to COVID-19 in Suffolk. The online link has 7 questions. To take part please use this survey.

Right now, they can’t speak with people face to face, so they are asking for your experiences online. Please share the survey widely with your friends and family if you can.

If you need support to complete the survey, you can call then on freephone 0800 448 8234. Their staff will be happy to guide you through and to record your answers. You can also use this number for signposting to local support or information about local services.


Our latest Feeback



There are are two surveys you might want to complete: