Appointment System
Online appointment booking service
All consultations are by appointment and should be made at Reception or by telephone during opening hours. You can use our online appointment booking system via our website, or our telephone booking system 24 hours a day.
Please book well in advance for routine appointments. Where at all possible the doctors will try to see patients registered on their own lists. The receptionist will offer you the next available appointment.
Anyone wanting urgent attention, but not necessarily an appointment, can ask for a telephone consultation and a nurse or doctor will return your call from noon each day. Therefore if you want to access this service, you must ensure you are available to receive a telephone call.
Failure To Attend An Appointment (DNA)
On your next visit to our Practice, you will notice posters around the Surgery stating the numbers that “did not attend”. If you no longer require your appointment, please phone to cancel it so another patient may use it.