Covid-19 Out of Hours News

Chapel Lane, Wickham Market, Woodbridge, IP13 0SB and

Rendlesham Surgery, 6 Acer Road, Rendlesham, IP12 2GA

Email Contact     Tel: 01728 747101

Contact Details


Should I call for an Ambulance?

RING 999 for an Ambulance if you answer YES to any of the questions below:


Severe chest pain:

  • Is the patient unconscious?
  • Has the patient got a history of heart problems?
  • Is the pain a crushing pain like a band around the chest?
  • Is the pain moving into the jaw or arms?
  • Does the patient feel sick?
  • Is the patient sweating or clammy?
  • Is the patient having breathing difficulties?



  • Is the patient unconscious?


Semi-conscious (or 'floppy' baby or child):

  • Is the patient semi-conscious or floppy with any other of the following symptoms
  • Difficult to wake? Stiff neck? Severe headache? Child with a high pitched whimpering cry? Purple or blood coloured rash? Photo-phobic?
  • Is the patient a diabetic? Is the patient having breathing difficulties?
  • Is the patient having chest pains?
  • Has the patient got a history of heart problems?


Overdose and Semi-conscious:

  • Is the patient unconscious or very drowsy?
  • Is the patient having breathing difficulties?


Overdose and fully conscious:

  • Is the patient having breathing difficulties?
  • Is the patient a danger to himself?
  • Is the patient a danger to others?


Severe breathlessness or collapse:

  • Is the patient unconscious?
  • Is the patient semi-conscious?
  • Is the patient having breathing difficulties?
  • Has the patient received a crushing or penetrating injury to head, neck, chest, abdo or thigh?
  • Is the bleeding uncontrollable?


Serious head injury / Road accident:

  • Is the patient unconscious?
  • Is the patient having breathing difficulties?
  • Is the patient fitting?
  • Has the patient received a crushing or penetrating injury to head, neck, chest, abdo or thigh?


Epilepsy / Fitting:

  • Is the patient still fitting? Is this the patient's first fit?
  • Has the patient received a serious injury to the head?